Tuesday, August 14, 2012

sketch of a girl

i just really liked this drawing. she looks so lovely. i might get this one colored...someday..


perduliar said...

so lovely!
mba ella ntar kl diwarnain,outlinenya akan dihapus atau ditebalin pake pulpen atau dibiarin aja mba? :)

Sigrun said...

Hi Ella, do you remember the day, as you painted my cat toddler for me? This week I found you in the web, you are so young - I allways thought, you are in my age.
Your paintings are wonderful, like allways and I love them all.



mbak santi: ehmm...belom diputuskan..ini pun baru niat.:) mungkin dihapus saja setelah diwarna, lalu menebalkan sedikit2 yg dianggap penting? hmm..

Sigrun: sure, i still remember the drawing of the half sleepy Toddler. Umm..not so young i must say...if you found me on LinkedIn, the photo was taken about 5 yrs ago... :)