Tuesday, October 30, 2007

from a movie scene

a doodle inspired by a scene in an Iranian children movie. its about a little boy who lives with his grandma and his pet bird. a very sweet movie.

in case you're wondering, the writing's said: "but grandma, i want to feed the bird!"


  1. I love this colour combination :-)

  2. That sketch is very nice... colour and composition too.

  3. Please!

    Send an email to the Brazil embassj in your country and report the injustice that the brazilian courts are making with this girl.

    The resignation is to stop the evolution. (David Santos in times without end)

    Thank you

  4. Ella, love this sketch ... the "looseness" style makes it so expressive.

    *Kok pintar yah itu anak bisa bahasa Indonesia! ;)

  5. luci, anak itu kan pernah lama tinggal di indonesia, kaya kamu. hehee
