Tuesday, December 08, 2009

IF - crunchy

on a lunch break.

side note: it's really hard to make an interesting take on this week's topic, the word is just too specific. well..at least i make one...


  1. Very clever! You took this prompt and hit a homerun, Ella! Very, very fun illustration!

  2. great illustration. original and well-executed. Love the expressions.

  3. Very cute. I agree the topic wasn't one of my favourites for me either. You did a good job. The expressions are great.

  4. This is great! I've not been inspired by this word at all yet, I'd better get on with it! You've done a great job. :)

  5. They are really funny - great expressions and their fur is drawn greatly.

  6. I agree! "Crunchy" only reminds me of cookies, chips, cereal and apples... What is it with me and food??? Anyway, love those beavers! (^_^)

  7. Your illustration makes me smile. Congrats :D hugs and kind regards.

  8. this fits the topic very well, great style! your illustrations are fabulous, so sweet and well-executed! oh, great techniques too!

  9. ella, ini putri.
    aku mau wawancara singkat buat seminar aku. boleh ga? soalnya berhubungan sama buku anak.hehe
    lebih enak ketemu lgsg atau lewt ym?
    tp besok?maaf ya dadakan :)

  10. Oh, you did well, Ella. I bet tree bark is indeed quite crunchy! : )

  11. thanks everyone, i always appreciate your comments. :))

    putri: halo putri, boleh, wawancaranya lewat email aja gimana? soalnya ga bisa mastiin bisanya kapan nih. kalo lewat email mungkin nanti malem juga udah bisa dijawab. imelnya: elelbaru@yahoo.com
    thx. :))

  12. Hai Ella... Iya nih, aku lagi mood bikin karya2 aneh, heheh. Oia aku lupa mau tanya, kamu wkt itu blg kuliah di ITB kan? Angkatan berapa? Terus kakakmu di SR juga ya, angkatan berapa?

  13. Connie??? Rambut pendek keriting pake kacamata? Aku kenal..!! Coba deh tanya, kenal Lia Grades 95 ngga? (PD bgt yah aku, siapa tau ngga kenal!)...Berarti kita dulu kuliah di masa yang sama dong ya! That's cool. Sebenernya aku udah lama pengen merambah dunia buku cerita anak, tapi terakhir kali bikin cover buku kok fee nya bikin bete gitu?? Hehe...

  14. Your illo is perfect for the topic!And your characters are adorable!

  15. Oh they make it look so good he he he! These dudes are so cute!!! Great characters indeed! Great work!

  16. This is so funny! The expressions are just fine!
